boys will be boys???
pasanga... i didnt quite have any ideas about this one... but what i saw was probably not something i would have imagined in my wildest dreams... how far can you go to ensure that a movie becomes commercially viable?? the answer to that probably keeps changing every day... think about it.... what shocked my mother, doesnt shock me... what shocks me, probably doesn't shock a person 2 yrs younger than i... its funny, but it seems to me, that a "generation gap" doesn't quite mean the same thing that it did before...
well, as far as pasanga was concerned, i couldn't stomach the language that the children (if you can call them that!!!) were using... why, i haven't heard most of those words before in my life! i might be old-fashioned, but i think children must be children! their innocence is something that has to be cherished and kept alive for as long as is possible! there's all the time in the world to be a grown-up... heck! that's all you're going to be all your life anyway...
the movie doesn't deserve a scene by scene review! i'm quite out of patience with it and i don't think i'll survive reliving the whole 3 hours!! will satisfy myself with outlining a few things that i felt most strongly about!
- the movie was a crash course on atrocious-things-kids-could-do-to-get-their-way... sticking a compass into a fellow student's rear and pee-ing n poo-ing on a neighbour's porch/vehicle aren't really appreciable methods! clearly the director thought otherwise!
- the bad boy - Jeeva... what can i say? if i see him now, i'll give him the best slap i can manage!!!! devil child! hate his shrill voice, his wicked looks and everything he stood for in the movie! ugh!
- the good boy - Anbukarasu... again! what can i say? way too big for his boots! nauseatingly good... and his love for applause - nothing short of disgusting!
- ok, one thing i liked about the movie - parents shouldn't quarrel in front of their kids... good point that's been begging to be made... only i can't say i liked the way they stretched this point to the limit!
- i wish someone will tell me if the character that falls in love with mr. meenakshi sundaram is called sobykannu or sophiekannu... either way the name is not to my taste... well... the romantic interludes were ummm.... nice... but again, like every other part of the movie, subjected to the chewing gum effect...
- the kill bill tune was my ringtone too... the way it was played over n over again in this movie has made me change it!
- this movie had me ho-ing and humm-ing throughout...
- i do not, i repeat, do not think its cute when a 2 yr old child repeats cine dialogues like pichi-poduven-pichi or konnu-poduven-konnu... its plain annoying!
hmmm... i'd like to see what other people think about this movie... it may be cheered on as a brilliant effort, considering very few movies in india are made with children in view... but i do wish people involved in such projects take care to send the right message across and greater care to package it well... children are impressionable... we dont want 3 hours at the theatre doing away with all the good stuff they're made of!