star struck??!
Just what is it with people and celebrities?? I ask this, coz most people on orkut have a celeb's pic for their display image... And most of 'em fancy Ash... I've received about a zillion friend requests from Ash... Crazy! Now... Why would anyone want to put up her pic?? You cant look like her... And even if you could, I should think you wouldn't want to... if everyone looked like her, she'd stop being called the "most beautiful woman"... ok... I guess a reasonable reason would be "anonymity"... But nope... That theory wont hold water... Most people choose not to be anonymous on orkut... Heck! You wont scrap about every itsy bitsy detail of your life, if u choose to remain anonymous... So what else cud it be? Beats me... And now, I'm wondering... Now that Ash is married, will people pick someone else?? How about themselves, for a change??? Now THAT.... will be a sight for sore eyes!
Me too, wonder.
Especially when I wanna see how the girl look, I get frustrated seeing an anonymous pic.
@vasanth : chuckle! ur comment gave me a possible reason!
You ought to check out this community then :D
P.s : Where the hell r u these days?
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