Wednesday, May 16, 2007


salvation... i've attained it... you might go "whoa! wait a second! dont you have to die first?" well... if you've been through four years of engineering, spending a major portion of those four years wondering what the heck you were doing there, then the feeling you get, once you dash off the last line, on your last ever semester paper, comes pretty close to matching the dictionary meaning of salvation...
so as i was saying,,, i've attained salvation... and its an awesome feeling... being an engineer counts for something... to have come off, unscathed, feels even better... by unscathed i mean, no arrears ever, even in the most threatening, fuzzy papers... come to think of it, going to college everyday, realising that going to college is not in the least what people said it would be is pretty tasking... in fact, managing to stay in full possession of your sanity in the end can be termed commendable... you cant accuse me of vanity... if you do, id like to have you try it before you refute my stand on the matter...
there have been times i've doubted if i was doing the right thing.... times i've wished id never stepped into the place... times when i felt a degree in literature would have been more "my thing"... such times were hard to live through... but now... at the end of it... im proud of myself!!! engineering was worth it... it helps you grow... in more ways than one... i've recognised my potential and realised my limits... learnt that despair is almost always followed by hope (ask people who've had arrears and cleared them in the reval ;))... realised that sucking-up is not such a bad thing after all... ;) and most importantly, not to trust too much, or too little... add to all that, a lil bit of machines and a lil bit of electronics and there you have it - a formula for wholesome education!!
my thoughts take crazy turns as i think of what to put down... i started drafting this entry thinking i'll-write-it-as-i-see-it, but that is another thing engineering taught me not to do... i've learnt the hard way, that people more often than not, prefer hypocrisy to frankness, no matter how hard they try convincing you that it is otherwise... im worldly-wise now :D so i've decided to quit while im ahead... my draft seems depressing... but i guess, that according to the engineering formula, augurs a cheerful post next time! :D


Blogger itpurt said...

This post reminds me abt the time I graduated. There was one song that kept ringing in my head. Song 2 by Blur! :)

10:46 PM  
Blogger Vasanth said...

There are two sides of the coin. You hv mentioned about the one side, but the other side, u will miss the college life, friends and fun.

You get only once in your lifetime :)

8:07 PM  
Blogger NaReN said...

Thank God I have no arrears says the dept topper 8-|

3:00 PM  

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